Performances, Lectures, Talks, Presentations and Teaching
9 January 2018
Peformances, lectures, talks, public presentations and teaching are an important part of the work of Mary Ellen Carroll work and institutions have included: Yale University-Law School, MOCA-Yinchuan, China, The DIA Art Foundation-New York, MOMA-New York, Museum of Fine Arts-Houston, Alserkal Avenue-Dubai, Princeton University, Busan Museum of Modern Art-South Korea, Yale University, Rice University in Houston, Columbia University in New York, Princeton University, University of California at Irvine, Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea amongst others. MoMA — Dialogues in the Archive: Artists Activate the Archive Tod Lippy in conversation with Mary Ellen Carroll and Mary Lum Thursday, June 22, 2023, 6 to 8 pmThe 2023 Molendinar Lecture, Debating Chambers, Glasgow City Council Wednesday, 7 June 2023 — 6 pm UNBUILDING HADRIAN’S WALLPhoto of Mary Ellen Carroll by Daniele Molajoli courtesy of the American Academy in Rome. Mary Ellen Carroll/MEC, studios has been invited by the City of Glasgow to give the 2023 Molendinar Lecture on Glasgow and pathmarking opportunities from the Mediaeval to the present concerning climate and migration in the built environment and as the work of art. March 26, 2020 — (NOT) OF PUBLIC INTEREST —lecture at Kungl. Konsthögskolan/Royal Institute of Art and the Public Art Agency Sweden and the invitation by Jonas Dahlberg’s for OF PUBLIC INTEREST